What is a Life Coach?

A Life Coach is a person who works with people to take steps to assist them to meet their goals. This can be day to day personal goals or professional goals. Life Coaches work with an individual to find out their individual strengths, talents and skills, then use those skills to progress towards living the fulfilling life they desire.

As a Life Coach, I will help you reach your goals, both professional and personal. Drawing from my experience, I can help discover and hone your untapped strengths, talents and skills to overcome barriers in front of your goals/dreams. Together we can make your desires a reality.

Working with a Life Coach holds you accountable to commitments you make to making the changes in your life. Often the hardest part of achieving your goals is remaining steadfast and accountable.

That’s where I come in -- I will hold you accountable to your dreams.


Why should I consider using a Life Coach?

  • Feeling ready for the next step in your career?
  • Wanting a change in an area of your life?
  • Feeling stuck and don’t know what next?
  • Recently divorced?
  • Loss of a loved one?
  • What is success to you?

We all have that voice that tells you not to do something, no matter how important it is. As a Life Coach, I’ll have tools to help you work out what the priorities in your life are and the things that matter to you will not get sidelined by self doubt and the complications of everyday life. I will hold you accountable to your dreams.

Let's talk about how we can move you to a place of greater fulfilment.

I hold you accountable to your dreams.


About Chamane

I was born in South Africa and had a beautiful, warm, caring childhood always surrounded by love and kindness. When I was 15 years old, knock, knock, knock. My life changed within four years when my two brothers died in car accidents and my Dad passed away within six weeks of being diagnosed with a brain tumor. The rug was pulled from under my feet, my Mum was grief-stricken as was my sister, and I hadn’t allowed myself to grieve. I was too afraid to be vulnerable. My Dad had been my cheerleader, and now I felt like I had to take on the world without him.

After graduating, my first job was a window into the real world of apartheid, as growing up we were mostly protected from its ugliness. On the first day I was asked to use the staff entrance at the back of the office, which was code for non-white entrance. Then, within the office, the segregation of staff by colour for using facilities such as the kitchens and bathrooms was too much for me and I did not return. I could not work at a company where I could not respect them. Onward and upward, my now successful Information Technology (IT) career spanning South Africa, New Zealand and Australia was off to a shaky start. Belief in myself and my self worth kept me going forward.

One of my many roles was at the Constitutional Court of South Africa, where I had a memorable, exciting and challenging time. Being around those brilliant minds was invigorating. One of the highlights of that time of my life was having the opportunity to meet Nelson Mandela. An experience for which I am extremely grateful. Being in his presence filled me with hope, love and encouragement. By contrast one of the challenges of my time at the Constitutional Court was the struggle of pulling myself away from my five year old daughter. Being away from her was incredibly difficult. I used to leave home on a Monday morning, fly to Johannesburg, stay at a hotel until Friday, then fly home. After 18 months of this, it became too much to bear.

I married and divorced twice in South Africa. Being a single mum and managing a successful career certainly teaches you the importance for women to have a career and be financially independent, also about what it takes to raise a child. My Mum was my rock and saviour.

Uprooting my life from South Africa to New Zealand happened quite unexpectedly. My life had been threatened, so I was forced to make the quick decision to escape, all happening within a day. Starting from scratch in New Zealand, with nothing apart from our suitcases (packed in a desperate hurry) and the kindness of my family in New Zealand.

My daughter was nine. I had no money, no job, no visa, but thankfully I did have my wonderful family and my IT skills. After handing out hundreds of CVs, walking shop to shop and emailing every company in the directory, I was offered a temporary volunteer role. After a month, I was offered the role with a small starting salary. This was the start of my career in New Zealand. Again, I looked forward and took action to meet my goals. My focus remained on the future, always striving towards the next goal.

After a few years of being in New Zealand, getting back on my feet and settling into Auckland, I met my husband. We moved to Australia after getting married which meant re-establishing my career in a new country. The move to Australia was certainly a breeze compared to my move from South Africa.

In 2017 I was settled in a high-paying job, living in a beautiful Sydney home, my daughter had just graduated from university and moved out - I was incredibly proud and happy. But soon, empty nest syndrome set in - something I never thought would happen. My husband and I felt restless. We took the plunge and sold our apartment, resigned from our jobs and took a life-changing trip around the world. We spent 16 months with no place to call home and no job. It took courage and trust in the universe. Our trip was memorable and an education.

We moved back to New Zealand in January 2019. We are now settled in and ready for the next phase of our lives. I always feel grateful to call New Zealand home, even more so now.

My wish is that my life’s journey is inspirational and hopeful.


Chamane Naidoo-Thomson


“Acknowledging the good that you already have in your life is the foundation for all abundance” Eckhart Tolle

The power of Gratitude is immeasurable to me. When you practice gratitude and abundance thinking your mindset moves from a place of scarcity and fear to one of abundance and joy.

When I had no money, no home, no job, there was still plenty to be grateful for. I was (and am) grateful for my loving and caring family, having a place to stay, having food to eat, having clothes to wear, having my health and wellbeing, my knowledge and skills, the opportunity to heal from the painful experiences I experienced, the beautiful country I was brought to, the weather and so on.

When you feel anxious, scared or negative, think about things you are grateful for right there and then. There will be numerous - pick any 3 at any time. Thinking about things you are grateful for is good, hand writing them is even better. When you hand write you activate parts of the brain called RAS, Reticular Activating System, which prioritises what you should focus on first, which brings calm and processes what you write to memory.

I say thanks at all times of the day, there isn’t necessarily a particular time of the day to feel gratitude. I say it out loud where I can, I say it quietly to myself when I can and where possible I write out the things I am grateful for. It is difficult to feel lacking or negative when you are grateful, in that way it does bring you more joy and happiness.

My recommendation is, whenever you can, say “Thank you” with a smile.

Say “Thank you”, “Thank you”, “Thank you”.

Remember to always be grateful.


Free Trial

I offer a free, no obligation, trial of my services. For more information please email me


Chamane Naidoo-Thomson

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